Doç. Dr. İsmail SERT



Ben Doç. Dr. İsmail SERT.

Karaciğer Cerrahisi, Safra Kesesi Cerrahisi, Pankreas Kanseri, Kolon Kanseri ve Whipple Ameliyatı alanlarında İzmir’de kendi özel kliniğimde hizmet veriyorum.

Mesleki İlgi Alanlarım

  • Safra Kesesi Hastalıkları
  • Safra Kesesi Taşı
  • Whipple Ameliyatı
  • Pankreas Kanseri
  • Karaciğer Kanseri
  • Karaciğer Cerrahisi
  • Kolon Kanseri Hastalıkları


Doç. Dr. İsmail SERT, Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi’nden mezun olduktan sonra Tepecik Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Genel Cerrahi kliniğinde uzmanlık eğitimini tamamladı. Uzmanlık Eğitimi sırasında 6 ay süreyle İsviçre, Cenevre Üniversitesi Hastanesi’ nde pankreas adacık hücre nakli, karaciğer nakli ve böbrek nakli, karaciğer pankreas cerrahisi konularında eğitim aldı. Malatya, karaciğer Nakli Enstitüsü’n de karaciğer nakli fellowu olarak 6 ay eğitim aldı.

Sonrasında Hollanda, Rotterdam, Erasmus MC Üniversite hastanesi, Karaciğer, pankreas ve safra yolu cerrahisi ile Karaciğer, böbrek nakli kliniklerinde eğitimine devam etti. Aralık 2018 tarihinde Tepecik Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Organ Nakli Kliniği’ nde Karaciğer Nakli programını başlattı ve başarı ile sürdürdü. Türk Cerrahi Derneği Yeterlilik Belgesi ve Avrupa Cerrahi Yeterlilik Belgesi (Transplant Cerrahi) bulunmaktadır. Şu anda kendi özel kliniğinde hizmet vermektedir.

Eğitim Hayatım

DereceBölümÜniversite Yıl
Lisans,Doktora Tıp FakültesiEge Universitesi, Tıp Fakültesi, Izmir, Turkiye1999-2005 
LisansEkonomi Fakültesi (Kamu yönetimi) Anadolu Üniversitesi2007-2011
Uzmanlık Eğitimi Genel Cerrahi Tepecik Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Izmir, Turkey2005-2011 
DoktoraKaraciğer Nakli Cerrahisiİnönü Üniversitesi, Karaciğer Nakli Enstitüsü2017-

İş Deneyimim

Ünvan KurumYıl
Genel cerrahi Asistan doktor Tepecik Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Genel cerrahi Kliniği, Izmir, Türkiye2005-2011 
Visitor DoctorPancreas İslet İsolation and Transplantation Center

Geneva Üniversity Hospital (Switzerland)

 ‘Training on pancreas islet isolation and transplantation and kidney transplantaiton’

Kasım 2009- Şubat  2010
Visitor DoctorTransplantation Center

Geneva University Hospital (Switzerland)

Training on liver, kidney, pankreas islet transplantation and ABO incompatible kidney transplantation 

Ekim 2010-Şubat  2011
Genel Cerahi UzmanıVan Bölge Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Genel Cerrahi Kliniği, Van, TürkiyeKasım 2011-Ağustos 2013
Genel Cerrahi UzmanıDenizli Acıpayam Devlet Hastanesi, Acıpayam, Denizli, TürkiyeAğustos  2013- Mayıs 2014
Genel Cerrahi ve Transplant Cerrahı Tepecik Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Organ Nakli Kliniği, Izmir, Türkiye

( Böbrek ve İnce Bağırsak Nakli) 

Haziran 2014- Eylül 2016
Karaciğer Nakli  Klinik Fellowship Inönü Üniversityesi, Tıp Fakültesi, Karaciğer Nakli Enstitüsü, Malatya, TurkeyEylül 2016 –Aralık  2016
Karaciğer Nakli Klinik FellowshipInönü Universitesi,  Tıp Fakültesi, Karaciğer Nakli Enstitüsü, Malatya, TurkeyMart 2017-Haziran 2017
Genel Cerrahi ve Transplant CerrahıTepecik Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Genel cerrahi ve Organ Nakli Kliniği, Izmir, TurkeyHaziran 2017-Şubat 2018
Visitor Transplant SurgeonErasmus MC, Department of Hepatopancreaticobiliary Surgery and Tranplantation, Rotterdam, NetherlandsŞubat 2018-Ağustos 2018
Genel Cerrah ve Transplant cerrahı / Organ Nakli Klinik SorumlusuTepecik Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Genel Cerrahi and Organ Nakli Kliniği, Izmir, Turkey / ( Karaciğer nakli sorumlu hekimi, İnce bağırsak nakli sorumlu yardımcısı)Ağustos  2018-Ağustos 2020
Genel Cerrah ve HPB cerrahisiEgepol Cerrahi Hastanesi, Genel Cerrahi Kliniği, İzmir, TürkiyeAğustos 2020- Haziran 2023
Genel Cerrah ve HPB cerrahisiÖzel KlinikHaziran 2023 – Halen

Üye Olduğum Dernekler

  • European Society of Organ Transplantation (ESOT), 2009
  • International Assosiation of Surgeons, Gastroenterologists and Oncologists (IASGO), 2011
  • International Pancreas & Islet Transplant Assosiation (IPITA), 2011
  • Turkish Surgical Association (TCD), 2013
  • European Society of Surgical Oncology (ESSO), 2013
  • Türk Hepato Pancreato Bilier Cerrahi Derneği, 2019
  • Geriatrik Cerrahi Derneği, Başkan, 2020

Sahip Olduğum Sertifikalar

  • Türk Cerrahi Yeterlilik Belgesi,  Kasım 2011, Ankara, Turkey
  • Certificate of Animal Use in Experimental Research, April, 2010, Izmir, Turkey Ege University, Reference number: 238
  • UEMS&EBS, The European Union of Medical Specialists & European Board of Surgery, Board Certificate in Transplantation Surgery, Multiorgan Retrieval and Kidney Transplantation, Sep, 2012, Bucharest, Romania

Almış Olduğum Kurslar

  • Hesperis Course Part 1, 9-14 Now 2010 (European Society of Organ Transplantation) Regensburg, Germany
  • Donor Surgeon Course (European Society of Organ Transplantation) 14-16 Dec 2010, Naples, Italy
  • Hesperis Course Part 2, 24-29 Mayıs 2011 (European Society of Organ Transplantation), Oslo, Norway
  • IASGO CME Postgraduate Course, Living Donor Liver Transplanatation,  29-30 Sep,2011,İstanbul, Turkey
  • Breast Disease Course, 25 Eylül 2010, Celal Bayar University, Manisa, Turkey
  • TOP-Course, Organ Transplantation, 27th June-01st July 2013, Berlin, Germany
  • ESSO Surgical Course on Pancreatic Cancer, Feb 2015, Heidelberg, Germany

Uluslararası Hakemli Dergilerde Editoriyal Board Üyeliklerim

  • World Journal of Transplantation, Open Access, peer review medical journal, indexed in Pubmed
  • The Journal of Tepecik Education and Research Hospital, Open Access, peer review medical journal, indexed in Tubitak/ Ulakbim, Index Copernicus, DOAJ, Türk med line

Davetli Olarak Katıldığım Konuşlamalar

  • İnce Bağırsak Nakli ve Donor seçim Kriterleri, International Transplant Network. 2018, İstanbul, Turkey
  • İnce bağırsak Nakli ve Donor seçim Kriterleri, International Transplant Network. 2019, İstanbul,Turkey
  •  Periton diyaliz katater takılması ve komplikasyonları, 2019, Ulusal Nefroloji Kongresi, 2019,Antalya, Turkey
  • Evde sağlık hizmetleri nutrisyon eğitimi semineri, enteral beslenmede girişimsel işlemler sunumu, 11.03.2020, Urla, İzmir 
  • İnce Bağırsak Naklinde İmmunolojik Risk Yönetimi. TONDK, 2016, Konya, Türkiye

Akademik Makaleler

Uluslarası Hakemli Dergilerde Yayınlanmış Makaleler:   

  • A1.Sert I, Colak H, Tugmen C, Doğan S.M, Karaca C. Anemia in Living Donor Kidney Transplantation. Transp. Proceeding. 2013 Jul-Aug;45(6):2238-43 
  • A2. H Meier RP, Sert I, Morel P, Muller YD, Borot S, Badet L, Toso C, Bosco D, Berney T.  Islet of Langerhans isolation from pediatric and juvenile donor pancreases. Transplant Int. 2014;27(9):949-955.
  • A3.Sert I, Colak H, Tugmen C, Dogan S.M, Karaca C. The Effect of Cold Ischemia Time on Delayed Graft Function and Acute Rejection in Kidney Transplantation. Saudi J.Kidney Dis Transpl. 2014; 25(5): 960-7 
  • A4.Sert I, Yavascan O, Tugmen C, Kara O.D, Kılınc S, Dogan S.M, Bal A, Kebabcı E, Alparslan C, Karaca C, Aksu N. A retrospective analysis of long-term graft survival in 61 pediatric renal transplant recipients: a single-center experience.  Annals of Transp.2013 Sep 20; 18:497-504
  • A5.Colak H, Sert I, Kurtulmus Y, Karaca C,Toz H,Kursat S. The Relation Between Testesterone Levels and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Patients with Kidney Transplantation and Chronic Kidney Disease. Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl. 2014; 25(5): 951-960 
  • A6. Emiroglu M, Inal A, Sert I, Ilhan E, Peker K, Gulcelik MA, Gungor H, Salimoglu S, Can D,Ellidokuz H, Aydın C. How do surgeons approach breast cancer surgery in Turkey? A national survey. Breast Cancer 2015; 22(4): 421-6 
  • A7. Colak H, Sert I, Ekmekci C, Tugmen C, Kurtulmus Y,Kursat S, Töz H. Correlation of Volume Control Parameters with Health-Related Quality of Life in Renal Transplant Patients. Transplant Proc 2015; 47(5):1369-72
  • A8.  Sert F, Ozsaran Z, Esen E, Alanyalı S, Sert I, Haydaroglu A,Aras A. Adverse effects of endocrine therapy in breast cancer: single institute experience. Contemp Oncol (Pozn).2014;18(5): 344-8
  • A9. Emiroglu M, Sert I, Inal A,Karaali C, Peker K, Ilhan E,Gurcelik M.A, Erol V, Gungor H, Can D,Aydin C. The General Surgeon’s approach to Oncoplastic and reconstructive breast surgery in Turkey: A survey of Practice patterns. Balkan Med J.2014; 31(4):307-12
  • A10. Tugmen C,Kebabcı E,Sert I,Tanrisev M,Colak H,PekcevikY, Dogan SM, Olmez M, Karaca C. Kidney transplantation from a donor with nutcracker syndrome. Elective Med J 2014; 2( 3): 288-90 
  • A11. Sert I, Emiroglu M. The search for a new donor: Kidneys with Small Renal Masses. J Young Med. Researchers, Vol 1,Issue 2,Jan-July 2014 
  •  A12. Emiroglu M, Sert I, Inal A. The role of Oncoplastic Breast Surgery in Breast Cancer Surgery.(Review) The J Breast Health. 2015; 11(1): 1-9
  • A13. Emiroglu M, Sert I, Bayol U, Yılmaz N,Kucukalioglu S,Aydin C. The Suppurative Panniculitis of the Breast. 2015 May;21(3):314-5
  • A14.  Emiroglu M, Sert I, Inal A, Karaali C, Aydın C. Rectopopliteal fecal fistula developed through an intra-abdominal adhesion. El Med J 2014; 2(2): 146-7
  • A15. Karaoglan M,Ipekci F, Sert I, Ozturk S, Sahin A.G. Massive upper and lower gastrointestinal bleeding due to intra-abdominal gossypiboma. Elective Med J. 2015;2(4):426-7
  • A16. Karaca F, Afsar CU, Gunaldı M,Ozden F,Oktem O, Sert F, Almalı N, Yılmazer G, Sert I. Effect of Adjuvant Chemotheraphy on survival of Gastric Cancer Patients: Single Center Experience from the Southest Region of Turkey. BJMMR, 2015;8(12): 1011-17
  • A17. Emiroglu M, Karaali C, Sert I, Salimoglu S, Ugurlu L, Aksoy S,Aydın C. Comparison of Clinical and Pathological differences of Breast Cancer patients under 35 and above 55 years of Age. J Breast Health 2015; 11: 123-7
  • A18. Emiroglu M, Inal A, Sert I, Karaali C,Peker K,Ilhan E, Gülcelik MA, Erol V, Can D,Aydın C. Surgeons’ approaches and Professional perspectives on breast masses: A national Survey in Turkey. J Breast Health 2015;11: 76-80
  • A19. Emiroglu M,Salimoglu S,Karaali C, Sert I,Gungor O, Sert F,Aydın C. Oncoplastic reduction mammoplasty for breast cancer in women with macromastia: Oncological long-term outcomes. Asian J Surg 2015 [Epub ahead of print]
  • A20. Tugmen C, Sert I, Zorlu F, Karaca C. An urgent renal autotransplantatin in patient with ureteral avulsion. IMJSU 2015;2(3):52-55
  • A21. Tugmen C,Sert I,Kebabcı E, Dogan SM, Tanrısev M,Alparslan C,Ayna TK, Olmez M, Karaca C. Delayed graft function in kidney transplantation: risk factors and impact on early graft function. Progress in Transp. 2016; 26(2): 172-7
  • A20.  Sert I, Kebabcı E, Tugmen C, Baran M, et al. Isolated small bowel transplantation in Turkey: A single center experience. European Scientific Journal, 2016; 12(12): 1-10
  • A21. Tugmen C,Baran M,Sert I,et al. Pediatric small bowel transplantation: A single center experience from Turkey. Turkish J Gastroenterology. 2016;27:428-32
  • A22. Aldemir E,Coskunol H, Kilic M, Sert I. Treatment of Opioid Dependence with Buprenorphine/Naloxone after Liver Transplantation: Report of Two Cases.Transplant Proceed.2016;48(8):2769-2772
  • A23. Tugmen C,Sert I, Dogan SM, et al. Analysis of Vascular Complications requiring Surgical Intervention after Kidney Transplantation. The Journal of Tepecik Education and Research Hospital.2016;26(2):109-114
  • A24. Kebapcı E, Gülseren V, Tuğmen C, Gökçü M, Solmaz U, Sert İ, Kocaer M, Özer M, Ölmez M, Sancı MOutcomes of patients with advanced stage ovarian cancer with intestinal metastasis Ginekol Pol. 2017;88(10):537-542. 
  • A25. Sert İ, İpekci F, Engin Ö, Karaoğlan M, Çetindağ Ö. Outcomes of early cholecystectomy (within 7 days of admission) for acute cholecystitis according to diagnosis and severity grading by Tokyo 2013 Guideline.Turk J Surg. 2017 Jun 1;33(2):80-86
  • A26. Ozsay O, Ozer I,Bostancı E.B, Sumer F,Caycı M, Karaman K, Akoglu M, Sert I. Dİltİzaem ıncreases the liver regeneration in rats by inhibiting TGF-1 b1. ESJ.2019; 15(9):131-141
  • A27.  Tugmen C, Sert I, Kebapcı E, Tasli F, Karadeniz T, Avcı EK, Tuncer K, Ayna TK,Tanrısev M, Olmez M,Karaca C. ımpact of Subclinical rejection on kidney graft function. Transplant Proc. 2019 ;51(10):3304-08
  • A28. Karaali C, Emiroglu M, Calık B, Sert I, Kebapci E, Kaya T, Budak GG, Akbulut G,Aydın C. Evaluatİon of Antibiotic Prophylaxis and discarge prescriptions in the General Surgery Department. Cureus.2019; 511(8): c23
  • A29. Karaalİ C, Emiroglu M, Atalay S, Sert I, Dursun A, Köse S, Akbulut G, Aydın C. A new antibiotic stewardship program approach is effective on inappropriate surgical prophylaxis and discharge prescription. J Infect Dev Ctries 2019; 13(11): 961-7
  • A30. Karaali C,Emiroglu M, Esin H, Sert I, et al. Assesment of prophylactic antibiotic usage habits of the general surgeons in Turkey. J Infect Dev Ctries 2020; 14(07): 758-64
  • A31. Tuncer K, Kilinc G,Sert I, Akpınar G, Tugmen C. Ectopic ureter associated with Zinner’s syndrome in a kidney recipient: case report and literatüre review. Rev.Assoc.Med. Bras(1992)2020;66(5):692-5
  • A32. Karaali C, Emiroglu M, Esin H, Sert I, et al. Assesment of Prophylactic antibiotic usage habits of the general surgeons in Turkey. The J Inf in Dev Countries. 2020; 14(7): 758-64
  • A33. Appak YC, Tınastepe T, Aksoy B, Tugmen C, Sert I, et al. Outcome of children with intestinal failure due to waerdenburg syndrome from an intestinal transplant center: A case series. Exp and Clin Transp. 2020; Epub ahead of print.DOI: 10Ç6002/ect.2020.0166
  • A34. Covidsurg Collaborative. Outcomes from elective colorectal cancer surgery during the SARS-COV-2 pandemic. Colorectal Disease. 2020:online ahead of print
  • A35. Glasbey J. Behalf of the COVIDSurg Collaborative. Elective cancer surgery in COVID-19-free surgical pathways during the SARS-COV-2 pandemic.An International, multicenter, comperative chort study. J of Clin. Oncology. 2021; 39(1):66-78.
  • A36. O Simoes, A Bhangu on behalf of CovidSurg Collaborative. Should we be re-start elective surgery? Anesthesia 2020;75(12): 1563-65
  • A37. Atıcı SD, Akpınar G, Sert I, Tugmen C. Isolated metastasis of pancreas due to endometrial carcinoma. J Coll Physicians Surg Pak. 2020; 30(12):mm1362-3
  • A38. Baran M, Cagan Y, Aksoy B, Sert I, et al. Small bowel transplantation management during COVID-19 pandemic in a child with microvillus inclusion disease from Turkey. Arch. Clin and Experimental Medicine. 2020; 5(3): 116-8
  • A39. CovidSurg Collaborative. Outcomes from elective colorectal cancer surgery during the SARS cov-2 pandemic.Colorectal Dis.2020;00:1-18
  • A40. CovidSurg Collaborative. Delaying surgery for patients with a previous SAR-COV-2 infection. British J Surg.2020;107(12):e601-602

Uluslarası Akademik Kongrelerde Sunulmuş Kongre Kitapçığında Basılmış Sunumlar:  

  • B1I.SERT, M.Karadeniz, S.Salimoğlu. Delayed Diagnosis of Traumatic Diapphramatic Hernia; A case report. British Journal of Surgery. 97, 103-103. 45th. Annual Congress of ESSR (European Society of Surgical Research, Poster presentation, 9-12th, June, 2010, Switzerland
  • B2. H. Colak, M. Tanrisev, T. Colak, Y. Kurtulmus, I. SERT, C. Karaca. The relation between testosterone levels and graft function in renal transplant patients receiving m-TOR and calcineurin inhibitor treatment.Transplant Int. 26, 232-232. Poster presentation, 15th European Society of Organ Transplantation Congress, 4-7th, Sept, 2011, Glascow, United Kingdom
  • B3.  I.SERT, S. M. Dogan, C. Tugmen, E. Kebabçı, C. Karaca. The Effect of Cold Ischemia Time on The Delayed Graft Function and Acute Rejection in Kidney Transplantation. Transplant Int. 24,301-301. Poster presentation, 15th European Society of Organ TransplantationCongress, 4-7th, Sept, 2011, Glascow, United Kingdom
  • B4. I. SERT, S. M. Dogan, C. Tuğmen, E. Kebabçı, C. Karaca. The Effect of Anti CD-25 AB Induction Treatment on Graft Function in The Adolesant Kidney Transplantation From Live Donor. Transplant Int.24, 320-320. Poster presentation, 15th European Society of Organ Transplantation Congress, 4-7th, Sept, 2011, Glascow, United Kingdom
  • B5. I.SERT, S.Borot, R.Meier, Y.Muller, D.Bosco, T.Berney. Are Young Donors suitable for Islet Transplantation? Transplant Int. 24, 177-177. Oral Presentation, 15th European Society of Organ Transplantation Congress, 4-7th, Sep, 2011, Glascow, United Kingdom   
  • B6. M.Emiroglu, C.Karaali, I.SERT, S.Salimoglu, A.Inal, M.A.Gurcelik, V.Erol, C.Aydın. The Survey of the General Surgeons’ Approach upon Oncoplastic Breast Surgery in Turkey.  Oral Presentation, 48th Congress of the European Society for Surgical Research, 29 May-1 June, 2013, Istanbul, Turkey
  • B7. M.Emiroglu, A.Inal, E.Ilhan, K.Peker, M.A.Gürcelik, I.SERT,H. Ellidokuz, D.Can. Survey on Surgeons General Approach for Breast Cancer Surgery in Turkey. Poster Presentation, 48th Congress of the European Society for Surgical Research, 29 May-1 June, 2013, Istanbul, Turkey 
  • B8. Colak H, Sert I,Kurtulmus Y,Karaca C,Toz H,Kursat S.The Association Between Inflammation Markers, Malnutrion and Quality of Life With Volume Status in The Pre-Post Transplant Period. Transplant Int. 26,232-232. Poster Presentation, 16th Congress of European Society of Organ Transplantation, ESOT 8-11 Sep,2013, Vienna, Austria
  • B9. Colak H, Kılıcaslan B, Sert I,Tanrısev M, Ekmekci C, Karaca C,Kursat S,Toz H. The Relation Between Epicardial Adiposa Tissue with Volume Markers and Inflammation Markers, within Dialysis and Transplant Patients. Transplant Int. 26,236-236. Poster Presentation, 16th Congress of European Society of Organ Transplantation, ESOT, 8-11 Sep,2013, Vienna, Austria
  • B10. Gulec D,Ayna TK, Soyoz M, Kocyıgıt AO,Kılıcoglu M, Totur I,Gungor TH, Yuksel C,Akman B,Memon A, Tatar E, Tugmen C, Sert I, Soypacacı Z,Pirim I. The assessment of graft function in terms of preexisting anti HLA antibodies. Oral Presentation, 9 th. East-west Immunogenetics Conference, 4-6 June, 2015, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
  • B11. Kılınc G, Sert I, Tuncer K, et al. Can Preoperative skletal muscle area and prognostic nutrition index be predictive for postoperative mortality and morbidity in patients with periampullary region tumors? London Pancreas Workshop 2020.Oral Presentation. Dec.2020.Pancreatology.
  • B12. Sert I, Yesilyurt D, Karaali C, Emiroglu M. Duct to mucosa Pancreatojejunostomy with less serosal stitches: A different approach to well known problem. Oral Presentation. London Pancreas Workshop 2020. Dec.2020,Pancreatology.

Ulusal Hakemli Dergilerde Yayınlanmış Makaleler :

  • C1I. SERT, S. Salimoglu, M. Karadeniz, K. Peker, M. Emiroglu, C. Karaali. Delayed complication in a patient with Traumatic Daiphragmatic Hernia. The Journal of Izmir Tepecik Training and Research Hospital.2011; 21(2): 95-98
  • C2. I. SERT, S. Salimoglu. Spontaneous perforation of the left hepatic duct; case report.Türkiye Klinikleri J Case Rep.2013; 21(2): 53-5
  • C3. Deniz G, Tugmen C, Sert I. Organ transplantation in the Turkey  and the World. The journal of Tepecik Education and Research Hospital.2019; 29(1):1-10
  • C4. Calık B, Karaali C, Dikmeer E, Sert I, Emiroglu M, Aydın C, Akbulut G. Minimally invsive parathyroidectomy  versus bilateral neck exploration for primary hyperparathyroidism. The Journal of Izmir Tepecik Training and Research Hospital 2018;28(3): 191-6
  • C5. Cetindag O, Balcı B,  Sert I, Ekmekci S, Diniz G, Ipekci F. The relation between Helicobacter pylori and symptomatic cholelithiasis. The Journal of Izmir Tepecik Training and Research Hospital 2018; 28(3): 197-202
  • C6.  Güntürk S, Aydın G, Karaman Y, Sert I, Tugmen C, Kebapcı E, Bozkurt APS. The effect of perioperative electrolyte, acid-base balance, hemodynamic data and anesthetic management on early mortality of patients with small bowel transplantation. The Journal of Izmir Tepecik Training and Research Hospital 2018;28(3): 225-231
  • C7. Karaali C, Sayan A, Sert I, Ustün M,Aydın C,Emiroglu M. Comparİson of Minimal excision and primatry wound closure with limberg flap procedure in adolescent sacrococygela pilonidal sinus surgery. Buchd. 2020 ;10(1): 25-32
  • C8. Sert I, Tugmen C, Baran M, Dogan S.M, Avcı E.K, Kebapcı E. Donor Characteristics of intestinal graft in Turkey. The Journal of Izmir Tepecik Training and Research Hospital.2020; 30(2): 164-168
  • C9.  Karaali C, Sayan A, Sert I, et al. Comparison of minimal excision and primary wound closure with Limberg flap procedure in adolescent sacrococygeal pilonidal sinüs surgery. Journal of Dr.Behçet Uz Childrens’ Hospital. 2020; 10(1): 25-32
  • C10. Karaali C, Sayan A, Emiroglu M, Mert M, Demir HB, Sert I, et al. Phenol administration in adolescents with pilonidal sinüs is effective and related to high patient satisfaction rates. The Journal of Pediatric Research. 2020; Epub ahead of print.
  • C11. Karaali C, Atıcı SD, Sert I, et al. Clinical features of our patients with spontaneous intramural intestinal hematoma and th use of direct oral anticoagulants in the maintenance therapy. Izmir Democracy University health Sciences Journal. 2020;3(3):201-13
  • C12.  Karaali C, Ertas IE,Sert I, et al. Clinical and laboratory features and treatment approaches of pregnant woman with acute appendicitis. 2020;27(10): 2813-8

Uluslarası ve Ulusal tanınmış yayın evleri tarafından basılan kitap bölümleri;

  • D1. Sert I, Liver transplantation for non-resectable colorectal cancer liver metastases. Colon polyps and colorectal cancer. Publisher Springer. Oct 2020. Doı: 10.1007/978-3-030-57273-0_29
  • D2. Dursun A, SERT I. Rektum ve çıkan kolonda senkron tümörü taklit eden Endometriosis. Genel Cerrahide nadir görülen acil ve elektif vakalar. Chapter 69. Publisher Akademisyen Kitapevi.